
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Walk it Out

            Have you ever noticed the peculiar difference in the way we walk?
            There seem to be many different ways to walking when it comes to getting from one place to the next. I wonder if it has to do with our personalities, our mood at that moment, or simply the way our bodies are built. Maybe even all of the above!
            For instance, a person could walk with long strides, quick steps, a casual stroll, lethargic tread, or a loping gate. Even these narrow categories can be divided into sub categories.
            But I am unable to ponder this mystery further as yet another foreign exchange student, who prides herself in never being late, flees across campus nearly taking me out in the process. I now ponder the position she would play on a football team. It’s a toss up between Wide Receiver and Linebacker.

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